
Why us

  • Create Branded Content in Under 30 Seconds!
  • RE/MAX + Photofy empowers agents and brokers to quickly and easily create professional graphics for any business need. From new home listings and ads to celebratory posts, testimonials, and homebuyer education, Graphics within Photofy are designed to facilitate, inspire and support how you deliver value to your clients and prospects.
  • Share Content Across Social Channels, including , Email or Text
  • Post to social platforms or send an email or text in seconds with a broad selection of graphics to support recruiting and retention efforts, new home sales or listings, lifestyle content, milestones, events and more. ● Logo+ Personalize your content with your headshot or company logo with your information. ● Video Templates Create a quick tour of the property using video templates and share to your social channels. ● Quick Share Content that is ready to share with just a tap on your screen. ● Templates Create quick ads and recognitions by adding photos and editing text
  • Looking for additional resources and Support?
  • Discover how to make the most out of our subscription with training through the RE/MAX + Photofy Academy. With easy to access, simple tutorials you can learn at your own pace in less than 60-minutes! Simply register and put your new knowledge to good use!